Township School-Chassell, Michigan
“I recommend this curriculum to other teachers. I am a huge proponent of place-based, hands-on learning. I love that the students will be able to see their work for years to come! It is also wonderful that the curriculum is aligned with the Next Generation Science Standards.” -Ms. Squires, Chassell Township School, Chassell, Michigan
Chassell Township 8th grade science students planted hundreds of flowering perennials in their schoolyard (bordering the veggie garden), using the Symbiotic Schoolyard curriculum.
This past fall science teacher Beth Squires and her students transformed a strip of lawn (40 ft by 4 ft) in their schoolyard into a pollinator hedgerow as a part of the Symbiotic Schoolyard Ecosystem Unit. They planted hundreds of plugs, including a wide variety of native species-Common Milkweed, Black-eyed Susan, Showy Goldenrod, New England Aster, Helen’s plant, False Sunflower, Blue-flag Iris and many others.
Her 8th graders worked on the curriculum. Beth also teaches elementary science, so her kindergarten and first grade students helped out during planting day. “This was a great cross-grade level project!”
Keweenaw Wild Ones, a local chapter of the national Wild Ones served as a volunteer expert partner for the planting project. “They were extremely helpful. We would not have been able to plant such a large area this year without their help! They helped pick out the location in the spring. They also tilled the area twice over the summer and then I put cardboard down to keep the weeds out until we planted. They also donated hundreds of plants and provided guidance for the project.”
Congratulations to Ms. Squires and her students! May their restoration site bloom with vigor this Spring and provide food to the birds, bees, and butterflies and provide rich learning experiences for students for years to come!
Ms. Squire’s 8th grade students mentored her kindergarten students on planting day-teaching them how to plant.