Choose between two options.
Purchase just the curriculum OR the curriculum and a Native Roll Out Garden that includes all the plants you need. Read below to find out which option is best for you.
Just the Curriculum
cost: $350
This option is best if you have experience planting native plants and feel confident leading the planting project yourself (or want to learn) or have a community partner who is leading the planting project. The curriculum works with any kind of native planting project including pollinator gardens, Miyawaki/tiny forests, ecosystem restoration, meadowscaping etc. The curriculum comes with a customizable Ecosystem Card Set so you can plug in the native plants you will be planting.
Curriculum + Native Plant Roll-Out Garden (includes plants!)
Still in development. Currently, the curriculum + roll out garden is available for certain regions. Please send an email to find out if it’s available in your region.
Cost: $515
This option makes planting native plants in your schoolyard easy. The Ecoplantia Native Plant Roll-Out Garden is 10×6 feet, comes with 25 plugs (small plants), a template to show you where to plant, and step by step instructions, and ships in the mail in a small box. You will select your geographical region when you purchase this option. The curriculum comes with an Ecosystem Card Set customized to the 8 plant species found in the Native Roll-Out Garden and the organisms that eat them. If you want to make things as easy as possible, this is an excellent option.