Empower students with an exciting biodiversity curriculum
A project-based & highly engaging curriculum
Students take on the role of restoration ecologists to figure out how to increase the biodiversity of their own schoolyard. Through hands-on lessons they figure out that planting native plants restores a complex food web.
“It’s the most exciting unit we do all year.”
-Katie B. Middle School Science Teacher, Washington
The Schoolyard Habitat Restoration Unit
NGSS-Aligned Ecosystem Unit for grades 6-8
Anchored by a project: planting native plants in your schoolyard
Works with any kind of native planting project
Option to purchase with an Ecoplantia Native Roll-Out Garden which includes all the plants you need and makes planting EASY.
NGSS Storyline driven, place-based, real science, real project
Has everything you need to teach for 8 weeks
Field-tested by 12 teachers during 4 years of iterative design